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Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Dental coverage for those living in long term care/residential facilities

The PDSP and the PSHCP offer coverage for eligible dental care and services regardless of place of residence. However, dental care may be provided for seniors or low-income seniors in long term care facilities or residential facilities as per each provincial/territorial legislation. Legislation varies from province to province and in fact from region to region.

“…The Pensioners’ Dental Services Plan (PDSP) is intended to provide coverage to eligible pensioners for specific dental services and supplies that are not covered under a provincial or territorial health or dental care plan.”
PDSP Rules (April 1, 2006)

Where to claim the amounts not covered under a provincial/territorial health or dental plan will depend on whether the expenses were for oral surgery or for accidental injury.

“…If a member is covered under the Public Service Dental Care Plan, the Pensioners’ Dental Services Plan, the RCMP Dependants Dental Care Plan, or the CF Dependants Dental Care Plan, claims for expenses for oral surgery should first be submitted to that [dental] plan. Any amount not covered by that plan may be submitted to the PSHCP. (amended September 8, 2006)”
PSHCP Directive (April 1, 2006)

“…If a member is covered under the Public Service Dental Plan, the Pensioners’ Dental Services Plan, the RCMP Dependants Dental Care Plan, or the CF Dependants Dental Care Plan, claims for expenses for accidental injury should first be submitted to the PSHCP. (amended September 8, 2006)”
PSHCP Directive (April 1, 2006)