The Federal Superannuates National Association Kingston & District Branch, c/o Box 1172, Kingston, Ontario K7L 4Y8, Telephone 1-613-384-2440 .-. Click on a comment link to express your view on a post. Alert a friend, to a post, by clicking on its envelope icon.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Myths about public sector pension plans

FSNA reacts to report perpetuating myths
about public sector pension plans

FSNA qualified as “incomplete and unprofessional” a report issued on January 17, 2007 by the Canadian Federation of Independent Business entitled . “Canada’s Pension Predicament: The widening gap between public and private sector retirement trends and pension plans” .

The report characterizes public sector pensions, among other things, as generous, often under funded, relying on taxpayers to make up any funding shortfalls, prone to increasing benefits during periods of surplus and not subject to the production of periodic actuarial reports.

FSNA sent a letter to the Federation inviting it to initiate another study to look at all dimensions of pension arrangements available to employers and employees in Canada.

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