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Friday, February 01, 2008

FSNA Board awaiting appellate court lawyer’s advice

FSNA’s National Board of Directors is awaiting the expert independent advice of an appellate court lawyer regarding the appeal of the dismissal verdict rendered in the pension surplus court case last November.
This decision was taken following a meeting with representatives of all the plaintiffs and their legal counsels on January 23, 2008 to further discuss the three notices of appeal that were filed on December 28, 2007 by the Public Service Alliance of Canada; by the Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada on behalf of the other National Joint Council Bargaining agents and other organizations, including FSNA; and by the Armed Forces Pensioners’/ Annuitants’ Association of Canada in conjunction with SSEA, now the Canadian Association of Professional Employees.
It is expected that it would take at least a year before the Ontario Court of Appeal hears any appeal.